First, as promised, some pictures:
I just spent my first night at the villa in the suburbs of Sharjah. Though I have no land line, internet, cable or gas for my stove yet, I still managed to have a good night - watched West Wing on DVD, fixed tuna salad and microwave Ramen noodles, then took a taxi with another faculty mom named Maria to Dubai. The taxi from my Sharjah villa to the Jumeira Beach neighborhood in Dubai took 25 minutes and cost around $17. Though I look forward to getting my local license and a car, I've decided that it's great to get familiar with the area via taxi, so that I've got my bearings when I finally get out onto the road, where tailgating at high speed is the norm.
We met the single faculty folks, most of whom requested Dubai housing, and had drinks in a Cuban bar. It was much like Latin places in Colorado, only the women were much more dressed up, and there seemed to be a lot of tall gorgeous Russian girls. Then we went to a Shisha tent, a cafe where the main consumable is tobacco, smoked through a Hookah. Because Maria has lived in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait as well, she knew what to do and how to order. Though I only tried a little orange flavored Shisha (I've worked too hard to obtain my Colorado cycling lungs!!!) , I had a really enjoyable time sitting on low couches with two nice gals and taking in the others around us, many of whom were playing cards.
Some other notables:
1. I exploded Brady's Karaoke machine when I plugged it into the wrong kind of electrical adapter. (Fortunately the DVD player I just bought is Karaoke compatible)
2. I discovered a little rotisserie chicken vendor on the outskirts of my neighborhood - I will buy one tonight hopefully and report back tomorrow..
3. Yes, my Samsung fridge does have an icemaker but it's this funny manual thing that you have to pour water into - it works great.
4. Haven't actually been inside the McDonalds, but signs everywhere advertise the soft serve cone for 1 Dirham (about 30 cents..) - that's a deal!
5. To the Bidingers, it's so great to hear news about Rosie from you guys :-)
Brady wants to make sure you didn't get hurt when his Karaoke machine blew up! "Did it really blow up?"
The house looks like it has lots of racing room for the boys....I'm happy for a soft place to sleep when I get there.
Glad to hear the ice maker is working and there is a place for Ann to get a fizzy diet coke when we come. Also-let me know when you have the webcam set up so we can try it out.
Blew up the Karaoke machine? One the one hand, I am sorry for Brady. But on the other hand, hilarious! Electricity- isn't it fun?!
Your place looks very nice! I can't wait to visit! We are really enjoying having the boys here - Toby is especially enjoying them - I think he may go through withdrawal when they leave...
Mahrhaba: Remember en-shala//god willing, dejaaja/chicken, IBM Inshala-buccraa-malesh/god willing -tomorrow-it does not not matter and mumkin/ maybe.
I am loving reading about your adventures. Please explain the arrow and sign "Mecca" AND the swimming pool. Is that an outdoor pool? Are you allowed to be in the pool? What's the weather like? What do western women wear? anything special in public vs. private?
Christina, I am so glad you, then the boys and your mom made it. It sounds like things are going great. I know Bill and Rosie are ready for all of you to be together again. We got your home closed without any problems on Friday, other than I think Bill was exhausted from all of the moving, cleaning, etc. But at last it is finished now. I love reading your notes and can't wait to see what Bill says once he arrives with Rosie. Your home is huge, which Bill had told me about, but couldn't imagine how large it was. So many new adventures for all of you. Enjoy!!
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